Operational Highlights
UNHCR Response to the L3 Emergency: UNHCR deployed an emergency team of 20 international staff (including five senior staff), airlifted NFIs and shelter material for some 15,000 households in the first week of January 2014 incl. 38,000 sleeping mats, 37,540 kitchen sets, 37,540 blankets as well as 8,079 plastic sheets. To increase its logistic capacity, UNHCR also brought 15 vehicles including 5 trucks to transport NFIs into the country.
Joint NFI and Food Distribution: Since January 7, UNHCR together with COOPI and WFP started distributing food and non-food items at the Airport Sit with the aim to assist the entire population, gauged to be more than 100,000 individuals. To date, more than 7,000 households comprised of an estimated 35,000 individuals have been assisted in 15 IDP sites (12 in Bangui and 3 in Bossangoa).
Civil-Military Coordination: The Protection Cluster that is led by UNHCR works with the Sangaris (French Forces) and MISCA (AU Peacekeepers) in collaboration with the OCHA CIMIC Officer to secure neighborhoods of origins in Bangui as well as to ensure safe distribution of food and NFI at the Airport Site.
Repatriation of Refugees: UNHCR continues to follow up on the repatriation of refugees willing to return home. On 19 January, 200 urban refugees have been repatriated and more than 100 families wishing to return home have been registered. Additionally, UNHCR has increased its efforts to ensure that the voluntary return of some 6,000 DR Congolese refugees from Batalimo, will take place shortly.