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Central African Republic: UN SC welcomes establishment of BINUCA; demands free, transparent elections in 2010


Security Council
6250th Meeting (AM)

Presidential Statement Calls for Benchmarks to Guide Office's Progress; Completion of Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration Process before Elections

Welcoming the 1 January establishment of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA), the Security Council this morning requested the Secretary-General to propose in his next report clear benchmarks to guide its work, while it demanded that the country's Government and other stakeholders hold credible, timely elections in 2010.

Through a statement read out by Michel Kafando of Burkina Faso, which holds the rotating presidency for the month of December, the Council also condemned ongoing attacks by the Lord's Resistance Army in the Central African Republic, and called for the countries in the region and the United Nations missions to increase their information-sharing and other coordination to counter the threat posed to the population.

Welcoming ongoing efforts at reconciliation in the country, the Council encouraged the Government to continue to ensure that the recommendations of last year's inclusive political dialogue were expeditiously and fairly implemented.

It also reiterated its call on the Government to strengthen and accelerate efforts to reform security sector institutions and ensure the completion of disarmament and demobilization before the elections. The Council encouraged the international community, including BINUCA, to provide timely and adequate support to that process.

The meeting began at 10:45 a.m. and ended at 10:52 a.m.

Presidential Statement

The full text of Presidential Statement S/PRST/2009/35 reads, as follows:

"The Security Council welcomes ongoing efforts aimed at national reconciliation in the Central African Republic based on the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2008 and the commitments contained in the Sirte Agreement of February 2007 and the Birao Agreement of April 2007. The Security Council encourages the Government of the Central African Republic to continue to ensure that the recommendations of the inclusive political dialogue are expeditiously and fully implemented.

"It reiterates its call on the Government of the Central African Republic to strengthen and accelerate efforts to reform security sector institutions, which is a crucial element for the peacebuilding process in the Central African Republic and for addressing widespread impunity and increasing respect for human rights. It also reiterates its call on the Government to carry out without delay a transparent and accountable disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process, and ensure the completion of disarmament and demobilization before the 2010 elections. In these efforts, transparent funding and coordination of reintegration programmes is critical to the programme's long-term success. The Security Council encourages the international community, including BINUCA, to provide timely and adequate support to the process.

"The Security Council strongly condemns the ongoing attacks by the LRA in the Central African Republic and calls for the countries of the region and the United Nations missions to coordinate and enhance information-sharing regarding the threat posed by the LRA to the population.

"The Security Council demands that the Government of the Central African Republic and all political stakeholders ensure free, fair, transparent and credible preparation and conduct of the 2010 elections, and that the elections take place within the time frame set by the Constitution. The Security Council calls on the Government, the United Nations and other stakeholders to support timely election preparation with adequate resources.

"The Security Council welcomes the establishment of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA) on 1 January 2010 for the period of one year. The Security Council urges the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to take all necessary steps so that BINUCA will be fully operational as soon as possible after 1 January 2010, in accordance with its mandate as set out in the Statement of its President of 7 April 2009 (S/PRST/2009/5). The Security Council confirms its full support to the efforts of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mrs. Sahle-Work Zewde, in this regard. The support of the BINUCA, together with the United Nations Country Team, to national and local efforts to consolidate peace, enhance governance and complete DDR process is crucial and needed.

"The Security Council also requests the Secretary-General to propose in his next report a set of clear and measurable benchmarks to guide the progress of the mission and enable BINUCA to evaluate its progress against its mandate.

"The Security Council welcomes the support provided by the Peacebuilding Commission to the Central African Republic, and reiterates its call on the donor community to enhance their support to sectors identified as critical for sustainable peace and development in the Central African Republic, as set out in the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding developed by the Peacebuilding Commission."

For information media - not an official record