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CAR + 1 more

Central African Republic: Situation Report No. 16 (as of 17 May 2013)



  • On 13 May, the Emergency Relief Coordinator, the CAR Humanitarian Coordinator and UNHCR briefed Member States in Geneva on the humanitarian situation in the CAR.

  • The response to a measles outbreak is targeting 150,000 children aged 6 to 59 months for a vaccination campaign.

  • The Humanitarian Coordinator participates in a joint UN mission to the Batalimo refugee camp hosting 6,000 Congolese refugees.

  • Findings of a food security assessment carried out by Triangle in the Vakaga Province revealed that the food security situation is presently precarious due to an increase in prices and a depletion of household food reserves. About 27 per cent of farmers buy seeds in local markets while 54 percent depend on seed distributions.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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