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Central African Republic Situation Report #38



The security situation in the provinces is increasingly complicated and worrying, as additional actors become involved in the conflict. Volatile security is creating major access constraints and disruptions to distribution activities and access to services.

The updated Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) shows an extremely fragile food security, particularly in rural areas of C.A.R. The north-west is in Phase 4 (Emergency) - this area is also most affected recent clashes. With the exception of one, all regions for which data is available are identified as in Phase of Crisis or Emergency (see page 2). Meanwhile, UNICEF reports a tripling of admissions to therapeutic feeding centres in Bangui. The situation is expected to worsen with the rains.

Populations —many women and children — continue to flee to neighbouring countries; this is putting strain on the limited resources and infrastructure in receiving areas. With the rains, conditions in some sites become unsustainable. The nutrition situation is dire. WFP does not have the resources to meet life-saving needs of a growing caseload, particularly in Cameroon and Chad (see Cross-border update).