The security situation remains tense in many parts of CAR, including particular hot spots in Bangui where Muslims continue to be under attack. There is also an increase in criminality in Bangui.
296,000 mosquito nets have been distributed to 60,532 households living in IDP sites as part of the ongoing emergency response.
As part of UNICEF’s outreach strategy, UNICEF has participated in three inter-agency assessment missions to Carnot, Moyen Sido, and Boda.
A UNICEF mission to the southeast in Zemio and Obo highlights gains made through the OFDA-funded LRA victims assistance and community resilience project, however serious humanitarian needs exist across the zone and LRA attacks are continuing.
UNICEF through its partners has provided safe drinking water to a more than 180,000 people in Bangui, Bouar, and Bossangoa, and distributed WASH items to 115,000 beneficiaries.
Four new partnership cooperation agreements (PCA) have been signed for the Rapid Response Mechanism to cover the needs of up to 120,000 individuals throughout CAR.
To date, UNICEF has received US $13 million versus the US $62 million appeal.
To renew its commitment and to acknowledge the complexity of the current situation, UNICEF has extended its level 3 corporate emergency for additional six months till September 2014.