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Central African Republic: Situation Report, 26 January 2021



  • To meet the most urgent needs in 2021, humanitarian partners plan to assist 1.84 million people, for which they will require US$ 444.7 million.

  • In 2021, 2.8 million Central Africans – more than half of the population – will need humanitarian assistance and protection.

  • In 2020, 424 incidents directly affecting humanitarian workers or property were registered compared to 306 in 2019, representing a 39 per cent increase.

  • A new « one stop centre » for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence opened its doors in Bangui, offering an integrated approach to rebuilding lives.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic is severely affecting the 2020-2021 school year, in an already fragile sector.


The Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 for the Central African Republic

To meet the needs of the Central African population in 2021, humanitarian actors plan to provide an inclusive, protective and humanitarian-based response to 1.84 million extremely vulnerable people. The response, based on a common understanding of humanitarian needs, will primarily target people affected by shocks linked to violence and natural hazards, and those living in areas with the most urgent humanitarian needs, including in hard-to-reach areas. To achieve this, humanitarians will require US$444.7 million. The strategy that will guide their response is detailed in the Humanitarian Response Plan 2021. As of 21 January 2021, only 9% of this plan are funded at a time when humanitarian needs are extremely alarming.

Since violence and tensions related to the December 2020 elections erupted, almost 200,000 people have been internally displaced. Half of them have returned, but 100,000 people are still displaced. The Humanitarian Needs Overview for the Central African Republic, published in October 2020, tells us that more than half of the Central African Republic's population needs humanitarian assistance and protection in 2021. Among them,

1.9 million people have acute needs related to their physical and mental survival. The Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 is structured around three strategic objectives. Each of them aims to address one of the three most critical humanitarian consequences identified in the Humanitarian Needs Overview. The response will mitigate the impact of the crisis on people's physical and mental well-being, living conditions and protection. Within this framework, 1.4 million people will benefit from timely and integrated multi-sectoral emergency assistance, in cash or in-kind, needed to address the most critical issues related to physical and mental well-being. Some 1.2 million women, men, girls and boys affected by the crisis will improve their living conditions through dignified and tailored assistance provided in a timely and protective environment. And thirdly, the protection and respect of the human rights of 1.3 million crisis-affected people will be ensured. Special attention will be paid to the elderly and people with disabilities. The humanitarian response in the Central African Republic in 2021 will be developed as close as possible to the people affected and with them, listening to their concerns, priorities and grievances.

Humanitarians will pay particular attention to the voices of women, people with disabilities and the elderly to ensure that their specific vulnerabilities are considered and interventions are adapted. To find out more, see the Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 for the Central African Republic.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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