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Central African Republic: The humanitarian community is mobilising to support the Government to combat the cholera epidemic


(Bangui, 12 August 2016): “I assure the people of the Central African Republic (CAR) that the UN and our humanitarian partners are fully committed to support the Government in its fight against this cholera epidemic. We will work together to contain the spread of the disease and to ensure that the people affected receive the necessary assistance,” said the Humanitarian Coordinator in CAR, Fabrizio Hochschild, today.

The CAR Government declared a cholera epidemic in the country on 10 August after samples had tested positive for the disease. At least 66 cases have been identified and 16 people have died. The disease was detected in Mourou-Fleuve village, Djoukou sub-province in the central region on 27 July. In response to this emergency, the humanitarian community has activated a crisis committee and is actively supporting the Government’s efforts.

Humanitarian actors working in the sectors of health, water, sanitation and hygiene; led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have set up a task force to ensure an effective response to the crisis. Pre-positioned supplies are being used to provide immediate response and in-depth assessments to determine needs have been planned. While cholera sensitization campaigns are underway, the people affected are receiving medical care, and water sources are being purified in Mourou-Fleuve village and the surrounding areas.

“Despite meagre resources, the humanitarian community is here to support the Government in saving lives and alleviating suffering. In the immediate term, we are using available resources to combat this disease, but if the epidemic were to escalate, we would require additional resources. The CAR 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan asks US$531 million but has only received 21 per cent in funding,” added Mr. Hochschild.

For further information please contact:
OCHA CAR: Joseph Inganji, Head of Office +236 70738730,
Laura Fultang, Public Information Officer, +236 70188064,
OCHA press releases are available at or


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