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Central African Republic: Flood Emergency Appeal Final Report (n°: MDRCF025)



Description of Disaster

This Emergency Appeal was launched in November 2020, to support the Central African Red Cross (CARC) to assist flood victims in-country, as well as support the National Society to respond to the flood disaster declared by CAR government on 25 October 2019.

Indeed, from August to September 2019, CAR was affected by torrential rains which have touched many towns of the country (Paoua, Bambari, Kouango Mobaye Bakala Bouca)

From September 2019, the rains became stronger and the City of Bangui, particularly the 2 nd, 3rd,6th and 7th districts were affected, with the partial or total destruction of houses and massive populations movement.

On the 20 October 2019, rains provoked a considerable rising of waters level of rivers (about 7 meters above the usual level) and flooded the 6th district of Bangui, Bimbo township in the south at 9km of Bangui and 3 other towns where security is already insured for the activities and movements of rebels who worried such us in south Kouango at 419km in center Bambari 385km and in North, Bouca 289 km from Bangui.

Rains continued until December 2019. New towns and villages such as Bakala in center at 428 km from Bangui, Mobaye in South at 611km of Bangui; the 2nd and 7th districts of Bangui were flooded. The number of victims increased particularly in Bimbo township and the 6th district of Bangui. CARC with support from IFRC and all the movements partners conducted a rapid assessment and shared two information reports on the GO platform of IFRC.

The government of CAR officially declared the disaster caused by heavy rains on 25 October 2019. IFRC launched an emergency appeal seeking 3 million CHF to assist about 44,918 people for 18 months. The disaster caused by rains mobilized all the humanitarian’s partners in CAR lead by the Ministry of Humanitarian Action.

The action effectively started in September 2019 by the activities of CARC and the others partners. The operation received the surge teams support in October 2019. The initial evaluations reports showed that, 8,330 households or 45,973 persons (22,067 men, 23,906 women). Among the 45,973 people affected by these floods, 22,391 are children, 1,401 pregnant women and 396 handicapped persons. About 3,425 houses were destroyed and 4,905 flooded, with a high risk of collapsing. The majority of infrastructures and WASH facilities were flooded and presented high risks and very few remained intact. A total of 2,842 latrines spilt over (source: Rapid initial evaluation report of CARC).

In Bangui, according to the matrix investigation of the monitoring of the International Organization Movements for Migrations (OIM DTM), about 20,481 persons (4,282 households) are refugees in host families, others were found in abandoned warehouses.

In October 2019, government official, partners of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movements, UN agencies and international NGOs mobilized their resources to support the response. The government with the support of partners gathered affected persons first in the National Center of basketball before looking for more adequate places to host them.