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CAR + 5 more

Central African Republic - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #6, Fiscal Year (FY) 2016



  • Relief agencies scale up cholera response efforts following CARG declaration of cholera outbreak

  • IPC analysis in August indicates increase in food-insecure population from 1.7 million to 2 million people


  • Insecurity—including clashes among armed groups and attacks against humanitarian personnel and assets—in Central African Republic (CAR) continues to result in population displacement and hinder the delivery of life-saving humanitarian assistance.

  • In FY 2016, the U.S. Government (USG) provided approximately $99 million to UN and non-governmental organization (NGO) partners responding to the humanitarian needs of populations affected by the ongoing complex emergency in CAR. With nearly $28 million, USAID/OFDA addressed urgent agriculture, health, livelihood, nutrition, protection, shelter, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs of conflict-affected people and supported humanitarian response coordination efforts and logistics.
    USAID/FFP committed more than $50 million for UN agencies providing emergency inkind food assistance, cash transfers and vouchers, and nutrition interventions. With nearly $21 million, State/PRM facilitated humanitarian assistance for refugees and other vulnerable populations