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Central African Republic (CAR) - Sudan Situation (17 - 23 November 2024)



▪ The Sudanese refugee-hosting areas of Vakaga, Bamingui-Bangoran, Haute Kotto, Ouaka, Mbomou, and Haute Mbomou remain highly volatile due to the presence of non-state armed groups, with reports of ongoing human rights abuses.

▪ This week, 291 refugees (94 households) arrived in Korsi, the neighborhood in Birao hosting Sudanese refugees in the Vakaga prefecture. This marks more than twice the arrivals recorded last week and over five times those from two weeks ago. The sharp increase is linked to the start of the dry season and continued conflict in Sudan.

▪ In Bamingui-Bangoran prefecture, UNHCR and its partner INTERSOS distributed shelter, hygiene, and core relief item kits (including tarpaulins, buckets, underwear, and loincloths) to 2,399 Sudanese refugees (682 households) affected by flooding in Ndele, Zobossinda, Koundi, and Akoursoulback.

▪ FAO launched a market garden project in Birao, providing farming tools to 50 farming collectives comprising 500 Sudanese refugees and 400 host-community members, including returnees and IDPs.

▪ UNHCR, INTERSOS, and UNICEF’s partner Triangle Generation Humanitaire (TGF) commemorated World Children’s Day in Birao with a peaceful march, awareness-raising sessions, and recreational activities such as drawing competitions, folk dances, and football matches. MINUSCA also donated clothing to 350 Sudanese refugee children.

▪ In Bamingui Bangoran prefecture, WFP provided cash assistance to 600 Sudanese refugees from 222 households to purchase food.

▪ Refugees in Bamingui-Bangoran prefecture face critical shortages of medicines and qualified medical staff at Akoursoulback and Koundi health centers. Many are forced to travel long distances—10 km to Koundi and 25 km to Zoukoutouniala—to access basic healthcare services.