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Attacks against civilians in Alindao


Bangui, 16 November 2018 – The Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic, Najat Rochdi, strongly condemns the attack on a site for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Alindao town, in the Basse Kotto prefecture, which led to several civilian casualties and forced displacement.

Barely two weeks after the violence and the fire incident in Batangafo, on 15 November, the Catholic Mission site in Alindao town was set ablaze. Nearly 20,000 people have been affected and thousands have been forced to flee once again.

“This vicious cycle of repeated attacks against civilians is unacceptable. The gains made by the humanitarian community in providing life-saving assistance and reducing vulnerabilities are undermined. Civilians want safety, peace and a future,” declared Najat Rochdi.

The Humanitarian Coordinator calls on all parties to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law, to protect civilians and to allow safe and unhindered access to those in need.

Our humanitarian teams are on the ground and ready to provide the much needed emergency response.

For more information, please contact OCHA CAR

Karen Perrin, Head of Office, a.i. +23670735320
Laura Fultang, Chief Public Information Unit a.i +23670188064,
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