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Women’s Protection and Empowerment Safety Audit Report, Location: Meme, Fako, Mezam and Momo (ES210) - March 2023



Human rights violation including Gender Based Violence (GBV) exists in every context worldwide and is particularly exacerbated in emergencies with women, girls and other vulnerable groups at increased risk due to limited involvement and control in decision-making within the households, mobility and access to information/services. Where there are multiple displacements with increased socio-economic needs, the picture worsens with risks of survival sex, transactional sex and sexual exploitation and abuse by community members and armed actors (GBVIMS and previous safety audit reports).

Gender base violence has been experienced in households, in strategic locations around the communities by various actors (GBVIMS and previous safety audit reports). Therefore, IRC is conducting a second women-led GBV safety audit in the communities of Bossa, Ngyen-Mbo, Tikali, Njenka, and Chomba in North West region and in the communities of Ejupindi, kokaka, Konye, Malende, Matundo II and Muyuka in South West region to assess the level of risk women and girls face in these communities as well as identify new strategies and local services in the communities that provide appropriate information to design a response strategy for the communities. The results of this safety audit will allow us to assess the evolution of the situation since the first safety audit.