Operational Updates
- Food assistance during emergencies: In November 2024, WFP assisted 277,280 internally displaced people (IDPs), refugees and vulnerable host populations, distributing 1,088 mt of food and US$ 1,838,000 in cash and through value vouchers. This includes 33,640 people assisted under flood response with US$ 337,854.
- Malnutrition prevention and management of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM): WFP assisted 46,125 children aged 6-59 months (88 percent of whom were aged 6-23 months) and 6,325 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBW/G) with 145 mt of specialised nutritious foods (SNFs) and US$ 50,265. The beneficiaries included about 27,750 people under prevention of acute malnutrition and 24,700 people supported under MAM management. The significant increase in the number of people assisted resulted from the flood response which incorporated supplementary nutrition assistance to the most vulnerable groups. Cash assistance (US$ 50,226) was provided to 4,760 PBW/G in the Far North Region under malnutrition prevention as part of flood response.
- School feeding activities: WFP provided school meals to approximately 47,830 primary school children across the East, Far North and Northwest regions. Out of these, 21,123 learners received meals worth US$ 193,000, which were sourced from local cooperatives supplying home-grown products.
- Resilience-building activities: In November, WFP continued supporting communities through early recovery and resilience-building activities. Productive assets created and managed included the construction of warehouses, poultry farms, fishponds, and culverts, as well as the harvesting of farm products. In addition, water retention activities are ongoing in 17 sites, and 10 hectares of land are being reforested. Over 26,375 people (66 percent women) were supported with US$ 243,900 under food assistance for asset creation activities mostly in the Far North Region.
- The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) operated flights to Maroua and N’Djamena (Chad) from Yaounde. This included 13 return flights for 362 passengers from 36 partner organisations.