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Cameroon + 2 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, January – June 2021


In Numbers

18,668 mt of food distributed

USD 6 million cash-based transfers made

USD 41.8 million July to December 2021 net funding requirements

828,894 people assisted between January and June 2021

Operational Updates

North-West/South-West L2 response

• WFP reached 348,346 beneficiaries with 7,440 mt of food and USD 1.8 million cash transfers as unconditional resource transfer (URT)

• A total of 8,175 schoolchildren were provided with 157 mt of food

• To prevent acute malnutrition, WFP provided 246 mt of specialised nutritious foods (SNFs) to 23,075 children aged 6-59 months and pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLWGs).

Lake Chad response

• In the Far North region, 131,175 beneficiaries were reached with 5,595 mt of food and USD 1.4 million cash transfers as URT, while 76,705 children were supported with 1,446 mt of food through the school feeding programme.

• In addition, WFP provided 576 mt of SNFs to 29,080 children and PLWGs for the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition.

CAR response

• In the East, North and Adamawa regions, WFP distributed 2,079 mt of food and USD 2.8 million cash transfers to 143,090 beneficiaries as URT.

• A total of 49,190 children and PLWGs were reached through nutrition interventions with 707 mt of SNFs.
Under the resilience programme activities, WFP provided 422 mt of food to 20,058 beneficiaries for food assistance for asset creation.


• UNHAS transported 1,995 passengers and 9.85 mt of cargo, serving more than 70 humanitarian organizations.

• Negotiations are in progress with the Government and airport stakeholders for the resumption of flights to the Tiko airport, that was suspended in February 2020.

Homegrown School Feeding Programme (HGSFP)

• In collaboration with the Government of Cameroon, WFP identified pilot schools in the Far North region to initiate the HGSFP thus supporting small-scale farmers through creation of new value chains.