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Cameroon + 8 more

West and Central Africa - Education in Emergencies (EiE), (Q3-2023) Regional situation


Education main challenges in the region

• The spillover effects of the Central Sahel crisis and its impact on education are already visible in coastal countries, particularly in Benin, where 11 schools have been closed, affecting more than 1,000 children.

• The number of refugees has increased in many countries (+14% across the region). The intensification of the Central Sahel crisis and the recent conflict in Sudan have led to a massive influx of refugees in the coastal countries (+50% in the total number of refugees in Togo), but also in Chad (+34%) and the Central African Republic (+100%), adding to existing educational needs (particularly for IDP and host community children) that are already difficult to meet due to lack of funding.

• While resource mobilization for EiE is underway, the funding gap remains a major challenge for the response (only 10.2% of required funding has been received in Cluster countries, compared with 10% in the second quarter of 2023).