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USDA to donate rice to Cameroon

WASHINGTON, July 19, 2005 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that it will donate approximately 11,000 metric tons of rice to the Government of the Republic of Cameroon.
The Government of Cameroon will sell the rice in Cameroon and use the proceeds to support agriculture and rural development projects, including a tree crops program, which will provide technical assistance and micro-credit to farmers in order to improve farm productivity and support other income-generating activities. Proceeds also will be used to transform sawdust into briquettes, which will be sold as an alternative source of energy, and provide funding for ten Norman E. Borlaug fellowships. The fellowships will offer short-term agricultural training to researchers, scientists, faculty members and government officials.

The donation will be made under USDA's Food for Progress program, administered by the Foreign Agricultural Service. The supply period for this donation is fiscal year 2005.

The Food for Progress program provides for USDA donations of agricultural commodities to needy countries to encourage economic or agricultural reforms that foster free enterprise. This year, USDA expects to donate around 525,000 tons of U.S. commodities to 30 countries under Food for Progress.

For further information, contact Debra Pfaff of FAS at (202) 720-9434, or by e-mail at