UNICEF continues to be engaged in providing humanitarian response in four regions of Cameroon – in the Far North, North, Adamawa and East.
NIGERIAN REFUGEES – The number of targeted kidnappings and armed attacks by Boko Haram has reduced since October. Among the 24,182 Nigerian refugees who arrived in Northern Cameroon this year, an estimated 18,667 are in Minawao refugee camp.
CAR REFUGEES: Among the 241,096 refugees officially registered 134,611 new refugees have come in since December 2013. 62,284 people are currently in 8 refugee sites in East and Adamawa regions. 41,666 children under 17 years of age residing in camps are being supported through nutrition, health (polio, HIV, measles, malaria), WASH, education and protection interventions.
SAHEL NUTRITION RESPONSE: 43,424 children with SAM have been admitted for therapeutic care to date through UNICEF and partners. Preliminary results of the 2014 nationwide survey using SMART methods indicate that Far North, North and Adamawa have a global acute malnutrition prevalence (GAM) of 9.0%, 6.7% and 5.2% respectively. The Far North region has a prevalence of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) at the emergency threshold of 2.0%.
POLIO RESURGENCE: 10 rounds of mass polio immunization have been implemented in 2014. The latest data from the last round (October 30th to November 2nd) show a total coverage of 1,127,918 children under 10 years in East and Adamawa including 239,132 refugees.
CHOLERA AND EBOLA RESPONSE: C4D pools of 3 social mobilizers each have been established in East and Adamawa region in and outside of the refugee camps, which has helped prevent cholera spreading in camps. Support to the Government in planning and responding to these health emergencies continues.