For the fifth consecutive month, UNICEF received no contributions for its humanitarian response (non-COVID-19). In Far North Region, six attacks on IDP sites were reported. In one such incident, 10 children killed and four wounded. Only four percent of UNICEF’s response for victims of Boko Haram attacks is presently funded with health and WASH sectors worst impacted.
In NW/SW regions 26,521 children in NW/SW regions were screened for SAM with 110 cases identified (0.4%) and referred for treatment, 10,841 persons were sensitised on key messages on infant and young child feeding practices integrating COVID-19 specific IYCF Messages.
In Far North Region, UNICEF partners continued efforts to support children, including adolescents previously held hostages by Boko Haram with personalized psychosocial care, food and clothing.
A project to construct, rehabilitate and improve 34 water points in communities hosting CAR refugees in East and Adamaoua regions was initiated that will meet safe water requirements for 20,000 people.