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Cameroon + 1 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3 - July-September 2024



  • UNICEF responded to the floods in the Far North, including through the distribution of 1,430 WASH kits, the installation of 19 tents to provide temporary learning spaces and the provision of essential health supplies.
  • Almost 25,000 children identified with severe wasting received life-saving treatment in UNICEF-supported health facilities.
  • Some 65,698 people benefited from protection interventions, including case management of children victims or at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, and GBV prevention, response and risk mitigation activities.
  • In the Far North 3,680 out-of-school children were enrolled in catch-up programs while in the North-West and South-West, 13,767 children continued to access non-formal education through the Radio Education Program.
  • Almost 112,000 people were reached with safe drinking water, appropriate sanitation facilities, critical WASH supplies and social and behavioural change programmes.