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Cameroon + 2 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, April 30, 2014



  • UNICEF continues to be engaged in providing humanitarian response in four regions of Cameroon – Far North, North, Adamaoua and East – which have been facing recurring emergencies such as increased food insecurity after the dry season, widespread epidemics such as cholera and meningitis, floods, and the continued influx of refugees from CAR and Nigeria.

  • CAR REFUGEES: With the deteriorating security situation in CAR since March 2013 due to fighting between Seleka rebels and Anti Balaka militias, Cameroon is faced with many refugees and asylum seekers. As of 20 April 2014, over 73,000 people have been officially registered as refugees since January, of which 84% are women or children. It is anticipated that the number of refugees could reach up to 100,000 people in Cameroon in 2014. For more details visit an online map accessible at UNICEF is focused on providing an integrated emergency response for CAR refugees as part of the coordinated humanitarian effort. Lack of sufficient funding is affecting the delivery of response to scale, impacting ability to build partners’ capacities on the ground, and the timely delivery of response to affected populations

  • SAHEL NUTRITION CRISIS: In 2014 the four affected regions anticipate a targeted caseload of 48,778 children under 5 with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 92,794 children under 5 with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).

  • NIGERIAN REFUGEES: 5,289 Nigerian refugees are verified and pre-registered in Far North region

  • The office funding needs stand at USD 25.5 million for responding to these emergencies and the funding gap as of April 30 stands at 95%.