Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) built and equipped the Mekone IV Primary School in the Nsem, Cameroon with two additional blocks consisting of 3 classrooms and 2 offices.
In Cameroon, the 2021-2022 academic year has started and the students from Mekone 4 will now study in the new buildings. The additional blocks, which started their operations with the opening ceremony with a lot of participants, will increase the service capacity and allow students to have education in a more convenient environment.
The Governor of Nsem, the Mayor, the Primary Education Inspector and the members of the Municipal Council, the religious and administrative leaders of Mekone 4 and the surrounding villages, and the people of the village attended the opening ceremony. Speaking at the ceremony, Nsem Governor Christian Nseth III expressed his gratitude to Turkey and TİKA and stated that the school has become able to provide education to a large number of students from the surrounding villages with its increased capacity.
In his speech, TİKA’s Yaounde Program Coordinator Burak Özden stated that he was very happy with the completion of the project, which was completed in less than a month with the devoted work of the villagers, and that they would continue to support education projects in Cameroon.
At the end of the ceremony, various gifts were given to successful students.
Under the project, additional blocks were built by the villagers with support, and the desks and tables were provided by TİKA. With the project, the number of current students increased three times from 120 to 360.