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Situation Report of Cholera Outbreak in Buea Health District, South West Region Cameroon (23/09/2020)


Key Highlights

  • A total of 10 cases have been notified in Buea health district

  • 3 health areas in Buea health district are affected

  • Buea Health district is the 5th health district to be affected by cholera in the South West region.

  • The Case fatality rate for the Outbreak in Buea is 10%.

Epidemiological Situation

The cholera outbreak in the South West region of Cameroon started in November 2019 in Bakassi health district and has continued to spread to other health districts in the South West region. Buea health district is the 5th health district to be affected by cholera in the South West region. The other affected health districts include;
Tiko, Limbe, Bakassi, and Ekondo-Titi health districts.

On the 14th September 2020, two suspected cases of cholera (females aged 16 and 28 years) were admitted at a health center in the Muea health area, Buea health district. The district management team was notified on September 15, 2020. The district's rapid response team was immediately sent to the health facility to investigate the cases. A third suspected case was discovered in a health facility in the Molyko health area on September 15, 2020. The three suspected cases were from the same neighborhood in the Muea health area. Two specimens were collected on September 15, 2020 and transported to the reference laboratory in Douala on September 16, 2020. On the 17th of September 2020, a positive laboratory result confirmed an outbreak of cholera in Buea health district.