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Cameroon Education Cluster: Northwest & Southwest Updates (November 2024)



In November, 25 Education Cluster partners operated in 12 out of 13 Divisions, reaching a total of 31,565. Among them, 17,322 were new participants engaging with cluster activities for the first time, while 14,243 were participants from previous cycles. The top three Divisions with the highest reach were: Bui: Reached 7,340 individuals, covered by 7 partners (GPA, Plan International, SHUMAS, SOPISDEW, Street Child, SELF, KforC and FGI) in Jakiri, Kumbo, Mbven, Kum and Oku. Mezam: Reached 4,015 individuals, covered by 8 partners (Caritas Bamenda, Good Hope Charity Org., GPA, H4BF, Plan International, SHUMAS, WESAD, and COHESODEC) in Bamenda I, Bamenda II, Bamenda III, Santa and Tubah. Boyo: Reached 3,794 individuals, covered by 4 partners (Plan International, Street Child, TeenAlive and COHESODEC) in in Belo, Bum and Njinikom. Activities were not reported in Momo Division.

In November 2024, 31,565 persons (16,819-53% females and 14,716-47% males) were reached with cluster activities. Out of this number, 17,322 persons (8,616-50% girls, 7,959-46% boys and 747-4% adults) were reached with different activities for the first time in November. The top 5 activities reached by partners include, radio education programme with 11,582 (37%) persons reached overall, with 7,382 (23%) persons reached for the first time with this activity. Also, furniture and teaching materials were provided in over 101 TLS where over 7,200 OOS children are enrolled. This is closely followed by the distribution of school in a box kits with 3,602 (11%) with none of them being persons reached for the first time. 78% of cluster activities were delivered through non-formal education centers while 22% were delivered through the formal education system.