In Numbers
391 mt of food assistance distributed
US$540,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding
US$0.18 million six-month (October 2023-March 2024) net funding requirements
185,000 people assisted
Operational Updates
School Feeding Programme
WFP and the Government of Cambodia conducted a study tour to Korea to gain insights from Korea's successful school feeding programme. Representatives from multiple ministries and the Council of Agricultural and Rural Development engaged in an exploration of the programme’s evolution, key initiatives and procurement processes, identifying actionable insights and innovative approaches that can be adapted and implemented in Cambodia’s National Homegrown School Feeding Programme. This peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange will help facilitate a seamless transition of the programme to the Government by 2028.
WFP identified a rice miller in Kampong Cham with the capacity for blending fortified rice for the programme. This strategic partnership will enable the production of 730 mt of fortified rice in collaboration with Green Trade. Additionally, WFP is conducting a capacity assessment of rice millers in Pursat to identify another miller at the subnational level. The emphasis on fortifying rice underscores WFP’s commitment to enhancing the nutritional content of meals provided to schoolchildren, contributing to their overall well-being and development.
Food Security & Nutrition
WFP and the Cambodian Agriculture Cooperative Corporation signed contracts with five agricultural cooperatives and nine producer organizations, aiming to produce 711 mt of organic paddy rice. This joint project, slated for the year 2024, will benefit 241 farmers in Koh Nhek, Mondulkiri, enhancing their production capacity and fostering their integration into both local and global markets.
WFP, UNICEF and the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development finalized a comprehensive Fill the Nutrient Gap report and disseminated the findings to relevant government and nongovernment actors to address food systems and climate change challenges. The report, set to launch in early November, provides valuable insights and actionable recommendations for overcoming the country's food and nutrition obstacles. It identifies barriers to building a healthy and productive nation, including economic vulnerabilities, food systems challenges and climate change impacts. The report emphasizes the need for coordinated action, strong leadership and enhanced partnerships to drive transformative change in nutrition.
Integrated Risk Management
WFP distributed the 1st Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) flood monitoring situation report, providing crucial insights into Cambodia's flood situation. Between August and September 2023, around 40,942 households in 17 provinces were affected, resulting in the inundation of houses, rural roads, and agricultural land. The report includes satellite-derived flood water analysis and highlights the likelihood of further significant rainfall. It emphasizes the importance of coordination among HRF member organizations, government agencies and implementing partners at provincial and national levels to stay informed about the evolving flood situation. the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) requested all humanitarian partners involved in flood response to use the official PRISM reporting form.
WFP and NCDM conducted two refresher trainings to enhance PRISM utilization for monitoring disaster risks and supporting decision-making on floods and droughts. The trainings involved 84 national and sub-national officials from various departments, including information, training, response and rescue, providing them with system navigation and hands-on exercises. Valuable feedback from participants will be used to improve the user manual, enhance system visuals and raise awareness among district and commune officials. This wider adoption at the local level will strengthen data collection, sharing and reporting on disaster risks and impacts, enabling a more efficient and informed response in Cambodia.