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WFP Cambodia Country Brief, January - March 2024



WFP & the Government of Cambodia signed a 5-year Cooperation Agreement to implement WFP's country strategic plan (CSP) 2024-2028. The plan focuses on strengthening human capital through nutrition and social protection while building climate resilience through food systems and disaster risk management.

Operational Updates

Social Protection

Institutionalizing the National School Meals Programme

• WFP continued to work with the Government to advance the institutionalization of the school feeding programme by supporting the policy framework, developing guidelines, including one on food safety from farm to school gate to strengthen suppliers’ capacities, and implementing a monitoring system to track progress, assess performance and ensure programme accountability.

• The Government took over an additional 126 schools that WFP has previously funded and managed. To date, schools handed over to the Government cover half of all programme schools. The approved 2024 budget covers food costs and incentives for cooks. Prior to the Government's takeover, schools underwent a comprehensive review of infrastructure, equipment and capacity.

• Following the endorsement of Sub-decree #65--the highest-level legislative instrument for implementing the national programme--in 2023, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sport further endorsed the establishment of the national inter-ministerial school feeding committee. WFP is assisting in setting up these committees at national and subnational levels, strengthening inter-ministerial coordination.

• The commitment to institutionalize the national school feeding programme was highlighted in a government-led Education Congress, organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in March and attended by over 2,000 participants. School feeding’s crucial role in improving access to quality education, enhancing children's health, and promoting local economic development was recognized. The Congress emphasized its integration into model school standards, supporting students' holistic development.