Phnom Penh, March 15, 2021 – The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has signed a grant cost-sharing agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and a record of discussions with the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) for the “Clearing for Results, Phase IV: Mine Action for Human Development” (CfRIV) project.
The six-year project, which is implemented by CMAA with strategic and technical advisory support from UNDP, undertakes landmine and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) clearance, increases victim assistance and mine risk education, conducting monitoring and evaluation, and integrates gender mainstreaming into mine action efforts.
The Government of the Republic of Korea, through KOICA, has committed US$10 million to Cambodia’s Mine Action sector, through the CfRIV project, from 2021 to 2025. The project is also financially supported by Australia, New Zealand, UNDP and the Royal Government of Cambodia.
The presence of landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) continues to cause deaths, injuries, and disabilities to many in Cambodia’s rural areas and has placed a major constraint on the expansion of agriculture and infrastructure development, as well as implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recognizing the importance of safe land for development, Cambodia adopted an eighteenth national SDG: to end the negative impact of mines/ERW and promote victim assistance.
“Landmine and ERW presence severely affect livelihoods. They deprive the affected communities and to a greater extent the mine/ERW victims and survivors of their food security, limiting their access to safe water, adequate housing, safe and secured land for cultivation and irrigation, roads, ways to earn an income, community centers such as markets, school, health facilities, to name just a few. The Republic of Korea’s grant through KOICA will complement the Royal Government of Cambodia’s relentless efforts to address these negative impacts. On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, I would like to thank the Republic of Korea and her people for this benevolent gesture. My gratitude also goes to other development partners - Japan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, European Union, Germany, Norway, Canada, France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, Sweden, China and the United Nation - for their support to mine action since 1992,” said H.E. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister, First Vice President of CMAA.
UNDP has been an active partner of the Royal Government of Cambodia in the mine action sector since 2006. Through this support, a total of 255.6 km2 of land has been cleared and released for productive use by the affected communities, benefitting over one million people living in Cambodia’s rural communities. Committed and collective effort is required to push this progress forward and reach the Royal Government of Cambodia’s target of “Toward a mine-free Cambodia by 2025”.
With support from KOICA, the CfRIV project plans to increase clearance, mine risk education, and victim assistance efforts in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, and Pailin provinces in 2021 and beyond. This includes the development of a modern, demand-based, and sustainable design to provide victim assistance in the areas of greatest need in Cambodia through a holistic response across four pillars: immediate emergency response and medical treatment, physical rehabilitation and therapy, socio-economic inclusion, and mine risk education.
“The Republic of Korea has been a long-standing supporter of the Royal Government and the people of Cambodia. We see this continues today with a commitment of $10 million towards clearing land mines and explosive remnants of war. The Republic of Korea’s new contribution to the Clearing for Results programme, in partnership with UNDP, is part of the Mekong Peace Village Development Programme, helping Cambodia in mine clearance, victim assistance and mine risk education. This saves lives, protects communities and supports the growing prosperity of rural and farming communities,” said Mr. Nick Beresford, UNDP Cambodia’s Resident Representative.
“This is a very meaningful year for the Republic of Korea as a new donor in the field of mine clearance in Cambodia. This funding from KOICA and other donors will help increase the area that can be clear of landmines/ERW, making the lives of Cambodians safer and releasing land for productive use to support Cambodia’s COVID-19 economic recovery,” concluded Mr. Rho Hyunjun, Country Director of KOICA Cambodia.
Through the CfRIV project, UNDP and project partners remain committed to supporting the Royal Government of Cambodia to achieve its goal of a mine-free Cambodia by 2025, where individuals and communities live in a safe environment conducive to sustainable peace and development, where no one is left behind, where the human rights and needs of victims are met, and where they are fully integrated as equal members of society.
For media inquiries, please contact:
H.E. Prum Sophakmonkol, CMAA Secretary-General and Project Director, CfRIV, at
Mr. Hort Sroeu, Senior Specialist, KOICA Cambodia Office at
Mr. Im Samruol, Head of Communications, UNDP Cambodia at
The Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), established under Royal Degree, is mandated to regulate, monitor and coordinate the mine action sector in Cambodia. CMAA has led the sector in formulating key policy, strategic and operational frameworks, such as the National Mine Action Strategy, as well as standards, guidelines and instructions for managing the sector. CMAA is also tasked to lead and coordinate mine action program implemented by mine action operators.
The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), established in 1991 under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea, is a governmental agency dedicated to providing Korea’s grant aid programs. KOICA aims to promote amicable, cooperative relationship and mutual exchanges with developing countries by providing Official Development Assistance (ODA) programs for their socioeconomic development. To this end, KOICA has been engaging in a wide range of schemes including the Project and DEEP, Fellowship Program, World Friends Korea, Humanitarian assistance & Disaster Relief, Public-Private Partnership, Multilateral Cooperation and the Global Disease Eradication Fund.
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