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Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) - Cambodia: HRF Annual Meeting 28 January 2022 - Meeting Minutes



  1. Introductory/opening remarks – HRF co-chairs and UN Resident Coordinator (15 mins)

  2. HRF’s achievement and reflection in 2021 – HRF secretariat (15 mins)

  3. Sector-wise reflection in 2021 and work plan for 2022 – Sector co-leads (10 mins each * 6 sectors)

  4. Update on progress of Inter-agency Task Team on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and action plan for 2021-2022 – PSEA Task Team (15 mins)

  5. HRF’s priorities and work plan for 2022 – HRF secretariat (30 mins)