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Clearing for Results Donor Field Visit

17 October 2018 – The Cambodian Mine Action Authority (CMAA), with support from the UN Development Programme, arranged a consultation meeting with potential donors for the fourth phase of the Clearing for Results Programme (CfR4), which aims to secure access to safe land and improve rural livelihoods. The project acts as a transition phase for the programme as it moves from a humanitarian response to a human development-centered approach. Current and prospective donors are invited to support the project to help achieve the goal of a mine-free Cambodia by 2025, as outlined in the 2018-2025 National Mine Action Strategy (NMAS), and contribute to the Cambodian SDG #18 to “end the negative impact of mines/ERW and promote victim assistance”.

His Excellency Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and First Vice President of CMAA, along with CMAA colleagues and Clearing for Results donors, visited contaminated lands in Battambang province to observe the operations efforts of the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC). Donor representatives from the governments of Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United States and together with representatives from UNDP, visited post-clearance lands and interacted with affected communities who now benefit from safe communities and improved agricultural opportunities. Community members shared how their lives have altered since the lands were decontaminated and expressed gratitude for the demining work of the CMAA.

With support from the international donor community, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has made great efforts over the past 25 years to remove landmines and ERW throughout the country. Since its inception in 2006, the Clearing for Results programme has supported the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance to release 228km2 (13% of the sector’s clearance) of land for use by affected communities.