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Cambodia: Cambodia Disaster 2018 Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) Report - No. 10 (as of August 7, 2018)



Flood Affected Update:

Due to the monsoon season and heavy rainfall resulting from Tropical Storm SON-TINH passing over Northern, Central and Southern Laos PDR. The storm leading flood flowing from the broke Sepa- Nam Noi in Attapeu Province, Laos PDR causing flooded and affected the downstream to 4 provinces and a city along Mekong river and leading as result of flash flooding in other 4 provinces at the south and 1 at the northwest part of Cambodia.

Key action:

  • HRF is holding the monitoring mode and the assessment will take place once the need is advising by sectors lead and co-lead.

  • HRF Co-chare will find a space to talk to NCDM and discus for the possibility to have the next coordination meeting as per the agreed TOR developed by NCDM, HRF, JAG and CHF).

  • Each individual HRF members agreed to use the 3Ws form to fill-in an information on emergency response operations