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Australia Grants 9 Million Australian Dollars to Support Clearing for Results Project

On January 12th, the Government of Australia has agreed to provide 9 million Australian dollars to support Clearing for Results Project Phase III from 2016-2019. The grant agreement was signed by H.E Alison Burrows, Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of Cambodia and Mr. Napoleon Navarro, Senior Policy Advisor for UNDP witnessed by H.E. Prak Sokhonn Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and First Vice President of the CMAA.

"The agreement, that has just been signed, marks a continued strong partnership and support of the Government of Australia and the UNDP, and an important step forwards on mine action sector in Cambodia. It also reflects the successful implementation of the Clearing for Results Phase II 2011-2015”. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the United Nations Development Programme, the Australian Government, and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) for their kind contribution to this invaluable humanitarian and development cause, H.E. Prak Sokhonn said in his remark.

Australia has been a long standing partner of Cambodia in reducing the impacts of landmines and Explosive Remnants of War and has provided over AU$90 million to Mine Action activities and victim assistance since 1994. Australia has also been a long-term supporter of disability-inclusive development in Cambodia, through which they provide further services to land mine victims. Since 2006, Australia’s contribution to the Mine Action sector has been primarily through the Clearing for Results program in partnership with the UNDP and the Cambodian Government, said in H.E. Alison Burrows’ remark.

Mr. Napoleon Navarro expressed that the agreement contributes nine million Australian dollars for the third phase of the Clearing for Results Project in support of mine action in Cambodia, and subsequently the improvement of lives and economic prospects for communities across the country. The Government of Australia has previously contributed over 21.3 million US dollars for Phases One and Two of the Clearing for Results project.

"The Clearing for Results Project Phase, III (2016-2019) is a multi-donor initiative implemented by the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) with technical and financial support from UNDP and other donors. It builds on the successful implementation of the first two phases of the project (CFRI, 2006-2010 and CFRII 2011-2015), during which considerable gains were achieved in building the CMAA’s capacities in the areas of quality assurance, strategic and policy formulation, the socio-economic management of mine clearance and the release of over 183.5 square kilometres of safe land back to communities. I would like to congratulate the CMAA and donors on these significant achievements.” Mr. Napoleon Navarro added.