In Numbers
0 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 107,819 cash-based transfers made
USD 10.2 m six months (November 2020 – April 2021) net funding requirements
7,122 people assisted in October 2020
Operational Updates
• Planned food distributions had to be suspended due to deteriorating security situation.
Implementation of school feeding activities was possible in approximately 10 percent of the 613 WFP-supported schools nonetheless thanks to the contribution of WFP-assisted smallholder farmer groups and their communities who provided local fresh foods in northern and north-eastern regions. Schools are expected to remain closed from 23 October to 16 November, with school holidays extended due to the volatile security situation.
• WFP continues to provide technical support and training of agricultural practices to smallholder farmer groups as part of the Smallholder Agriculture Market Support (SAMS) programme, to improve their food production, post-harvest management and organizational capacities, as well as their food and nutrition security and incomes.
Smallholders’ activities in October were focused on the harvesting of food production and planning for off-season cycle. While activities continued undisrupted in the northern region, which has been relatively calm during the electoral period, SAMS activities have been in operation at 20 percent only in the western region due to unfolding civil unrest.
Remote monitoring of activities continued.
• WFP and UNAIDS worked in collaboration to provide relief response to COVID-19 to support the most vulnerable communities, including people living with HIV (PLHIV) and key populations in the district of Abidjan. The last phase of cash assistance has been completed to 1,328 households, benefitting approximately 8,000 people who have been negatively impacted by the health pandemic.
• Beneficiaries of income-generating activities under the Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) programme, aimed at strengthening livelihoods and resilience of Ivorian returnees, continue to reinvest back into their respective projects of agriculture, poultry or fish farms for continued growth, demonstrating sustainability and community ownership of the project. Slow progress has been noted towards the end of the month, however, as participants feared for their security due to election-related violence and disturbances in the regions, hence did not engage as much in their regular livelihood activities.
• WFP in Côte d’Ivoire is on high alert and closely monitoring the political and security situation across the country, preparing the country office’s emergency response capacity to support crisisaffected people in the event of a humanitarian crisis. Moreover, WFP is co-leading the coordination of the multi-agency contingency plan as part of emergency preparedness measures to the Presidential Election on 31 October. WFP is leading clusters of food security, supply chain/telecommunication and cash-based transfers sectors.