In Numbers
0 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 79,537 Cash-based transfers distributed
USD 3 m six months (September 2021 – February 2022) net funding requirements
8,475 people assisted in August 2021
Operational Updates
• Côte d'Ivoire received 1,180,530 doses of PFIZER-type vaccines during the reporting month to continue COVID-19 vaccination of people aged from 18 and over (on a free and voluntary basis). Total number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 rose from 1,019,897 cumulative cases reported in July to 1,370,123 as of 31 August representing a 34 percent increase.
• On 24 August 2021, the Côte d'Ivoire Ministry of Health officially declared the Guinean Ebola patient admitted in hospital in Abidjan on 13 August fully recovered from Ebola and discharged from the hospital. Also 828 of the contact cases were vaccinated against Ebola.
• The 8,475 internally displaced persons (IDPs) affected by the 2020 post electoral crisis received food assistance until July this year. As from August 2021, WFP changed the modality of the assistance to cash-based transfers (CBT). As a result, a total of USD 79,537 was distributed to the 8,475 IDPs during the reporting month.
• WFP was forced to halt support to refugees since 2020 due to lack of resources (including the 567 refugees from Burkina Faso that entered Côte d'Ivoire in June 2021).
• Two food fortification high level meetings were conducted in August. One was organized by the Regional Centre of Excellence Againt Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM) on rice fortification and the second was organized by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire through the National Council for Nutrition, Food and Early Childhood Development (CONNAPE) with support from WFP, the African Union and ECOWAS. One key recommendation that featured in the two meetings is to involve all stakeholders in the fortification and validation processes.
• WFP distributed 130 Power banks to youth who were previously trained on “Digital Jobs and Livelihoods”.
• Local purchase of 250 mt of rice and 450 mt of beans is ongoing. Suppliers started delivering the food to WFP warehouse.
• WFP completed preparations to conduct a technical workshop in September 2021, aimed at updating the existing monitoring tools and developing new ones for new WASH. activities. A second workshop will be conducted in October to familiarise stakeholders on the updated and newly developed monitoring tools. A third workshop will be also be conducted to develop Standard Operating procedures (SOP) for the McGovern Dole smallholders’ projects as a means of harmonising reporting.
• WFP is also finalizing Field Level Agreements (FLAs) with key partners for the implementation of school feeding activities.