• The legislative elections were held without major incidents on 11 December 2011. Prior to the elections, the Clusters took part in the development of the inter-agency contingency plan in preparation of possible deterioration of the security situation, and UNICEF also developed its country office contingency plan.
• The Education Cluster conducted an evaluation of the 2011/2012 school year, which showed that 80% of schools assessed reported having starting classes on 24 October, while 20% of schools assessed had started after the official date, mostly around mid-November.
• UNICEF officially launched the Back to School campaign on 26 November during a ceremony in San Pedro. On this occasion, 8,500 school kits were distributed to students, 26 schools received recreational materials, 56 teachers received teacher kits, and 82 preschools classrooms were equipped with ECD kits and mats which will benefit to 2,500 children aged 3-5 years old.
• Of around 569,408 children screened between April and October 2011, 6,480 were found to be suffering from severe acute malnutrition and were referred to nutrition centres for appropriate care through therapeutic products provided by UNICEF. In 2011, UNICEF in collaboration with partner NGOs supported the treatment of 10,258 SAM children in total with cure rate of 80%.
• UNICEF Côte d’Ivoire received almost US$ 22.5 million (excluding recovery cost) in funds for emergency activities in 2011. Contributions were received from the Government of Japan, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, Republic of Korea, Belgium, the US, Estonia, and Canada, and UNICEF National Committees for France, the United States, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy, and the UK, as well as ECHO, CERF and the Global Thematic Humanitarian Funds.