The United Nations humanitarian envoy for
the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire arrived in Abidjan today armed with her mandate
to focus international attention on the crisis unfolding in the country,
and to ensure that all affected populations - including nearly 1 million
refugees - receive the help they so desperately need.
Carolyn McAskie, Special Humanitarian
Envoy of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, begins her month-long mission
in the region amid reports that Liberian refugees are being recruited by
both the Ivorian regular army and rebel groups. Clashes in the western
part of Côte d'Ivoire and recent ceasefire violations in the north have
forced an estimated 400,000 persons in the central and northern regions
to flee south, according to an update issued by the UN Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Of the parties to the conflict that sparked the crisis, Ms. McAskie told reporters in Abidjan today "the message I will convey is that the United Nations attaches great importance to the protection of civilians, the respect of human rights." Stressing the importance of the parties' responsibilities with respect to the humanitarian situation, Ms. McAskie also assured them that "the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council are watching the situation closely."
In the afternoon, Ms. McAskie met with the Ivorian Minister of Urbanism and Housing, Raymond Abouo-N'dori, to discuss the situation of shantytowns in Abidjan.
During the mission, Ms. McAskie will also meet with other Government authorities, UN Agencies, and a wide range of international and local humanitarian organizations. She will also visit IDP reception centres, transit centres and refugee shelters in Abidjan as well as in other parts of Côte d'Ivoire to talk with those affected by the crisis and gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and needs.
Ms. McAskie is also scheduled to visit neighbouring countries affected by the crisis to mobilize resources for, and improve coordination of, the humanitarian response.