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Côte d'Ivoire

Key indicators for children & women in Ivory Coast: SOWCR 2003

Population Indicators:
Mortality Indicators:
Total population in thousands (2001): 16,349 Under-5 mortality rate, per 1,000 live births (2001): 175
Population under 18 in thousands (2001): 8,035 Under-5 mortality global ranking (2001): 20
Population under 5 in thousands (2001): 2,466 Under-1 infant mortality rate, per 1,000 live births (2001): 102
Annual number of births in thousands (2001): 581 Annual number of U-5 deaths in thousands (2001): 102
Nutrition Indicators:
Health Indicators:
Infants with low-birth weight (1995-2000): 17% Total popul’n using improved drinking water sources (2000): 81%
Children exclusively breast-fed (<6 months): 10% Total population using adequate sanitation facilities (2000): 52%
Breastfed with complementary food (6-9 months): 54% Routine EPI vaccines financed by government (2001): 65%
Children still breast-feeding (20-23 months): 42% Vitamin A supplement coverage rate, 6-59 months (2000): 16%
Under-5’s suffering from moderate and severe underweight (1995-2001): 21% 1-year olds fully immunized for TB (2001): 72%
1-year olds fully immunized for DPT3 (2001): 57%
Under-5’s suffering from moderate & severe wasting, weight for height indicator (1995-2001): 8% 1-year olds fully immunized for Polio3 (2001): 57%
1-year olds fully immunized for Measles (2001): 61%
Under-5’s suffering from moderate & severe stunting, height for age indicator (1995-2001): 25% Oral re-hydration rate (1994-2000): 25%
Life expectancy at birth (2001): 48 years
Households consuming iodized salt (1997-2002): 31% Crude birth rate (2001): 36% Crude death rate (2001): 16%
Education Indicators:
HIV/AIDS Indicators:
Primary school enrolment ratio (net), male: 67; female: 50 HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate, 15-49 years (2001): 9.7%
Primary school entrants reaching grade 5 (1995-99): 70% # of adults & children living with HIV/AIDS, 0-49 years: 770,000
Net primary school attendance (1992-2001) for Males: 61%; for Females: 52% # of children living with HIV/AIDS, 0-14 years (2001): 84,000
Females (15-24 years) with sufficient knowledge to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS (1999-2001): 16%
Orphan school attendance rate as percentage of Non-orphan attendance rate (1995-2001): 77%
Children orphaned by AIDS, 0-14 years (2001): 420,000
Number of radio sets per 1,000 population (1997): 161 HIV prevalence among pregnant women, major urban areas (1998) Median (15-19 years): 4.7; Median (20-24 years): 12.2
Number of television sets per 1,000 population (1997): 64
Female Indicators:
Literacy Indicators:
Maternal mortality ratio reported (1985-2001): 600 Total adult literacy rate (2000): 47%
Contraceptive prevalence (1995-2001): 15% Adult male literacy rate (2000): 55%
Antenatal care coverage (1995-2001): 88% Adult female literacy rate (2000): 38%
Skilled attendant at delivery (1995-2001): 47% Adult literacy rate: females as a percentage of males (2000): 70%
Economic Indicators:
Malaria Indicators:
GNI per capita (2001): US$630 Under-5’s sleeping under a bed-net: 10%
Annual rate of inflation (1990-2001): 8% Under-5’s sleeping under a treated bed-net: 1%
Population below US$1 per day (1990-1999): 12% Under-5’s with fever receiving anti-malarial drugs: 58%

Please note that 11 January 2003 marks Day 115 since the coup attempt of 19 Sept 2002 in Ivory Coast.

It is most likely that all of the indicators above are being negatively affected as a result of the ongoing crisis in Ivory Coast.