- Village chief reports violation of ZOC to UNOCI
- Soldiers believed to be from FANCI rob traders near Tiebissou
- Vilagers ask for UNOCI's help after deaths from contaminated water
The Chief of Akissaekro village, Boa Yaou Kouamé told UNPOL and military observers yesterday that the Zone of Confidence had been violated by two FANCI soldiers who had extorted 18,000 CFA from three men on the night of the 28th/29th March 2007. The soldiers had demanded 150,000 CFA but 18000 was all the victims had.
In Bangolo on 29th March 2007, UNPOL began an investigation into the discovery of two dead bodies in bushes close to the town. According to information received by UNPOL and the Gendarmerie, the deceased have been identified as robbers who were killed by members of their own gang after a dispute.
The Chief of Taki-Salekro, a village close to the Tiebissou-Sakassou road reported to UNOCI military observers on 28th March 2007 that two armed men dressed in military uniform carrying AK-47 stopped seven traders going from Bouaké to Yamoussoukro and stole 185,000 CFA along with other items. The Chief told the team that he believed that attackers were members of the Ivorian Defence and Security Forces. He asked UNPOL to investigate the incident.
A UNOCI special patrol comprising BANBATT, UNPOL and military observers from Danane yesterday went to Oueleu to investigate a machete attack on a young man who was evacuated to the MSF Hospital. The victim, named Nanwoundu Marique, was reportedly attacked by his neighbour, Anicet Yao, over a land dispute. The Village Chief Goma Keko Matthew assured UNPOL that the matter would be settled once the attack who has fled the village, returns
Arms Embargo
On 29 March 2007, military observers from Bouake and Licorne soldiers conducted an Embargo Inspection at the camp of the Forces Nouvelles' Mystique Battalion in Dabakala. The team was accorded full cooperation by the FDSFN authorities.
A DDR site located on the Seguela-Massala axis, which was visited by military observers from Seguela on 29th March 2007, was in a state of disrepair and required cleaning and renovation. However a second DDR site visited in Camp Haillander on Seguela-Kani axis was found to be in a good state and can be used after some repair work.
Students in Guiglo yesterday demonstrated against a lack of teachers and poor standard of education in their schools. The demonstration was peaceful.
Ouassadougou villagers have asked for UNOCI's help after a number of deaths resulting from people drinking contaminated water. According to reports from nearby M'Bahiakro on 25th March 2007, between two to three people died in one day.
Human Rights
On 24th March 2007, the Baoulé traditional chiefs from the regions of Toumodi, Sinfra, Sakassou, Kocoumbo and Didievi claimed that the Baoulé population has been victim of massacres since the beginning of the armed conflict in Cote d'Ivoire. They stated that 1221 Baoulés had been killed while 300 of them had lost their farms in the western part of Côte d'Ivoire. This statement was made during a gathering organized by the Baoulé community to express their support to Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny and to urge that he be maintained in office.
The Regional Human Rights Offices in Duékoué and Korhogo conducted sensitization campaigns for student members of Human Rights Clubs. In Duékoué, the session that was attended by 50 students from the "Lycée Moderne" focused on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the human rights provisions of the Ivorian Constitution and the ONUCI human rights mandate. Participants discussed the right to education and students obligations vis-à-vis the rights of all. In Korogho, the 24 participants discussed human rights issues relating to women, including the right to life, abortion and the submission of women.