- UN Mission briefed on post-ZOC military arrangements
- Ivorian army discuss collaboration with PAKBATT
- Arms embargo inspections in Touleupleu and Mahapleu
FAFN soldiers carry out police duties in Seguela Military
The UN Technical Assessment Mission led by Assistant Secretary-General Hedi Annabi was briefed on the latest changes in the deployment of the Pakistani battalion and tasks assigned to newly established Observation Posts during its yesterday's visit to the West and South West of Cote d'Ivoire. The mission received the briefing at Beoue Zagna's Observation Post after its visit to Guiglo. The delegation also went to Daloa to hold a meeting with UN military and civilian staff based in the town, which is the Headquarters of UNOCI Sector West.
The mission was provided with security and escort by BENINBATT, PAKBATT and BANBATT-1 in their respective area of responsibility during the visit.
The delegation arrived in Cote d'Ivoire on 9 April 2007 to prepare UNOCI's future role in the implementation of the Ouagadougou Accord signed on 4 March 2007 between President Laurent Gbagbo and the Secretary-General of the Forces Nouvelles, Guillaume Soro, with the view to finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the Ivorian crisis.
In a related development, elements of the Defense and Security Forces of Cote d'Ivoire (FDS-CI) went to Beoue Zagna for discussions with PAKBATT and Bangolo Company Commander about avenues of collaboration following the launching of the continuing lifting of the Zone of Confidence
Arms Embargo
Two arms embargo inspections were conducted by UNOCI peacekeepers at Toulepleu Gendarmerie Unit and at Mahapleu camp hosting Armed Forces of Forces Nouvelles units.
A patrol sent to Seguela observed a number of FAFN soldiers at various crossroads acting as traffic policemen. Such practice is assessed as renewed efforts by FAFN to increase their administrative control in the area.
Human Rights
On 17 April, the Regional Human Rights Office in Odienné conducted a field mission to the village of Sirana, located 35 km south-west of Odienné, where it held meetings with the traditional leaders with the view to stifling inter-community tension between the peulh and the dioula over cattle disputes.
On the same day, the Regional Human Rights Office in Korogho conducted a human rights training for 37 FAFN elements in charge of the security at the Commissariat de police and the brigade de Gendarmerie in the city of Ferkessedougou, located 60 km from the city of Korhogo. The training focused on the role of law enforcers in the protection of fundamental rights.