In Numbers
610 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 779,589 cash transferred under assistance to
refugees and resilience-building
USD 14.33 m six months net funding requirements
(August 2022 - January 2023)
187,277 people assisted in July 2022
Operational Updates
• Assistance to refugees: WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 54,901 refugees (24,156 males, 30,745 females, 14,823 children aged 0-59 months and 2,196 people with over 60 years of age) with the distribution of 226 mt of in-kind food and USD 455,643 in cash-based transfers (CBT).
• Assistance to returnees: WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 2,595 Burundian returnees (1,272 males or 49 percent and 1,323 females or 51 percent), distributing 93 mt of inkind food. The assistance consisted of hot meals provided at transit centres, and a one-off three-month return package consisting of cereals, pulses, vegetable oil and iodized salt.
• Assistance to people affected by climatic shocks: WFP provided food assistance to 10,800 food-insecure people affected by climatic shocks in Cibitoke and Bubanza provinces. They received a total of 165 mt of in-kind food. These provinces had been simultaneously affected by torrential rains, violent winds, landslides and river flooding. These various shocks, which had occurred since January 2022, were accentuated from March to May, causing significant material and human damage. According to the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) statistics, the hazards forced the displacement of 311 people in Bubanza and 830 people in Cibitoke (figures from January-April 2022), leaving thousands of others affected by various losses, especially agricultural assets.
• Resilience: Under the joint FAO/UNICEF/UNFPA/WFP Community Resilience-Building project implemented in Bubanza, Ruyigi and Cankuzo provinces, WFP provided CBT entitlements amounting USD 323,946 to 4,435 farming households (22,175 people) who had participated to assets creation activities. This is the last payment as the project is due to close on 31 August 2022.
• School Feeding Programme: The programme assisted 63,062 school children with 17 mt of food (including 1.4 mt of milk distributed to 2,244 school children of wich 1,180 girls). Very few schoolchildren were reached because most of the schoolchildren had left for the summer vacation.
• Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM): In July 2022, MAM treatment activities benefitted 877 moderately malnourished pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLWGs) and 6,970 children aged 6-59 months who received 45 mt of specialized nutritious foods in Cankuzo, Kirundo, Ngozi, and Rutana provinces. Distributions were coupled with social behaviour change communication (SBCC) implemented by health community workers and targeting the PLWGs, and guardians of children 6-59 months present at the health centers for distributions. The number of PLWGs reached was reduced due to a pipeline break in supercereal plus (CSB++).
• Stunting prevention: Under the KfW-funded nutrition and resilience programme, WFP provided 64 mt of specialized nutritious food to 25,897 PLWGs and children age 6-23 months (6,049 PLWGs and 19,848 children) in Kirundo, Karusi, Ruyigi and Rutana provinces. Activities included a strong social and behaviour change communication component.