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UNICEF Resumes Operations In Burundi

BUJUMBURA, Burundi (PANA) - UNICEF has signed six agreements with charity organisations in Burundi in pursuit of its action programme to assist children under difficult circumstances in that country, the agency said.
It said two of the agreements reached with the NGOs - Family to Beat AIDS, and the Association for the Management of AIDS' Orphans - should facilitate the supervision of 3,300 children orphaned by AIDS deaths throughout Burundi.

The other agreements are to facilitate the rehabilitation and counselling of 150 street children, and how the phenomenon can be prevented through assistance or income-generating activities for 600 families hosting some 3,000 children gathered from the streets.

They also comprise a training package for 320 social workers in counselling techniques and management of reception facilities for distressed children, as well as the tracing and reuniting of 200 repatriated children with their families.

UNICEF suspended its co-operation with Burundi following the assassination of its representative and the logistics officer of the WFP in that country 12 October.

It lifted the suspension in view of the special character of its mandate for children.

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