332 800
85 600 refugees in camps and urban areas
2 600 asylum seekers
235 600 assisted returnees
8 200 internally displaced persons
800 persons at risk of statelessness
Statistics as of 29 February 2024 or latest available
UNHCR and partners have been facilitating the voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees since 2017. These refugees have been returning after making free and informed decisions. More than 235 600 Burundian refugees had been recorded as having returned by the end of February 2024. Most are from Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, and other countries. These returns take place under the framework of the Tripartite Agreements between the Government of Burundi, the Governments of countries of asylum, and UNHCR, with all parties having committed to respect the voluntary nature of these returns.