SC/9056, AFR/1853
The following Security Council press statement on Burundi was delivered today by Council President Johan C. Verbeke ( Belgium):
The members of the Security Council welcome the 17 June talks in Dar es Salaam between the President of Burundi and the leader of the Forces Nationales de Libération (Palipehutu-FNL), and the agreement reached during those talks. The resumption of the dialogue represents a major milestone on the way to peace consolidation in Burundi.
Members of the Security Council commend the important efforts undertaken by the United Republic of Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda and the African Union in support of this process.
The members of the Security Council are confident that this agreement will be implemented in the framework of the Joint Verification and Monitoring Mechanism, and call on the parties to pursue the dialogue in order to fully implement the Dar es Salaam Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement of 7 September 2006. They invite the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB), the African Union and the African Union Special Task Force to continue to support the peace process.
The members of the Security Council recall the presidential statement of 30 May 2007 and reiterate their call for continued dialogue, consensus-building and inclusiveness in order to achieve a successful transition.
For information media - not an official record