Expressing their deepest concern at the
ongoing violence in Burundi, the Security Council today appealed to all
parties to the conflict to cease hostilities immediately.
In a press statement by Council President
Ambassador Jeremy Greenstock of the United Kingdom, the members also expressed
concern at the worsening humanitarian situation and called for full, unhindered
and safe access for all United Nations and international humanitarian and
human rights workers in Burundi.
Ambassador Greenstock said Council members welcomed the designation of former South African President Nelson Mandela as the new Facilitator for the Arusha Peace Process and offered their full support.
The members "encouraged all parties to show flexibility and to cooperate fully with the new facilitator," Ambassador Greenstock said. "They looked forward to the earliest possible resumption of the talks and reiterated their view that only a negotiated settlement can bring peace, stability and prosperity to Burundi."
Council members reiterated their concern at the policy of forced regroupment and called on the Burundian Government to allow the affected people to return to their homes, Ambassador Greenstock said. They commended those Burundian parties, including the Government, that had demonstrated their commitment to continue negotiations, and called on those parties that remain outside the process to cease hostilities and participate fully in Burundi's inclusive peace process