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Mapping Burundi’s peacebuilders

March 27 2014: Peace Direct has surveyed local peacebuilding organisations in Burundi to get a picture of the extensive work of local people to consolidate peace. This information is viewable in a unique interactive map searchable across provinces and thematic areas.

As Burundi gears up for national elections due next year, there is considerable anxiety about what this means for the country’s fragile peace.

Peace Direct has surveyed local peacebuilding organisations in Burundi to get a picture of the extensive work of local people to consolidate peace. This information is viewable in a unique interactive map searchable across provinces and thematic areas. The map shows the work of 37 peacebuilding organisations, working on 408 projects, addressing themes such as DDR and conflict prevention, and reaching over 3 million beneficiaries.

The idea for the map came from a Peace Exchange conference we held for peacebuilding organisations in Burundi in September 2013, funded by USIP. At the Peace Exchange, local peacebuilders had the opportunity to share their work and start devising collaborative projects. Although a relatively small country, it was clear that many groups were not aware of the range of other groups active, even in the same provinces. An interactive map was suggested as a way to help make information on groups more accessible.

All groups featured provided their information to Landry Ninteretse, our Burundi Local Correspondent. Landry has continued to communicate with local groups to help us design and develop the map to showcase the reach and range of their work across all provinces of Burundi.

According to Landry, “This map is a very useful tool for local peacebuilders. It will help us understand each other’s work better and plan stronger conflict prevention activities”.

You can help us increase awareness of the work of Burundian civil society in ensuring peace in Burundi by sharing this message with your colleagues and networks.

If you would like more information about this project and peacebuilding in Burundi, please contact Insight on Conflict Programme Manager, Ruairi Nolan (

Published by Peace Direct, Insight on Conflict is an online resource on local peacebuilding in conflict areas.