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Forced Displacement, Migration and Pregnancy Risk: Micro-level evidence from Burundi


Verwimp, Philip; Davide Osti & Gudrun Østby (2018) Forced Displacement, Migration and Pregnancy Risk: Micro-level evidence from Burundi, GPS Policy Brief, 2. Oslo: PRIO

​Migration and forced displacement have become truly global phenomena. While there is a considerable body of research on the relationship between migration and fertility, we lack systematic knowledge on the effects of armed conflict and forced displacement on reproductive behavior. Using unique survey data from Burundi, we compare the reproductive behavior of women who migrated voluntarily with women who were forcibly displaced and with women who never migrated. This policy brief summarizes the findings of a new study that uses micro-data to address one of the key concerns of people who migrate or are forced to flee: how does their migration impact their reproductive behavior?