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Burundi + 1 more

Evaluation of the protracted refugee situation (PRS) for Burundians in Tanzania



In 2008, the High Commissioner for Refugees (HC) launched a Special Initiative on Protracted Refugee Situations (PRS) to promote durable solutions and improvements in the life of these refugees. The HC's initiative focused on five situations in different parts of the world, four of which have been selected for evaluation: the Croatian refugees in Serbia; the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh; the Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan; and the Burundian refugees in Tanzania. The four evaluations aim to assess how effectively UNHCR has exercised its mandate and the catalytic role performed in engaging other players in seeking durable solutions, as well as the progress UNHCR has made in improving the quality of life for the refugees. The evaluations also aim to identify examples of good practice, innovative approaches and lessons learned.

In addition to the stated aims above, the Evaluation of the Tanzania PRS assesses: i) the relevance and appropriateness of the strategies to refugees themselves, to host communities, and to national and local governments; ii) the effectiveness of the strategies pursued for Burundian refugees in Tanzania as well as the role of UNHCR in supporting these; iii) UNHCR engagement through the UN Delivering as One (DaO) reform process to which Tanzania is a pilot country; and finally iv) links between short-term humanitarian activities and the medium- and longer-term development activities.

The Evaluation is a joint effort of the Danish Government (the Evaluation Department in Danida) and UNHCR (the Policy Department and Evaluation Service). The Evaluation was conducted between May and October 2010 with fieldwork carried out in Tanzania between 4th and 17th June 2010.

The report starts with a descriptive account of the operational context and an analysis of the comprehensive solutions strategy, TANCOSS, and its three pillars. This is followed by an assessment of the role of UNHCR and the role of the High Commissioner's Special Initiative on PRS in the planning and implementation of the strategy. The analyses are then assessed against selected key OECD/DAC evaluation criteria followed by some lessons to be learned from the Tanzanian PRS.