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Burundi + 13 more

Eastern Africa Zone: Plan 2009-2010 (MAA64001)


Executive summary

The Eastern Africa Zone covers 14 National Societies (NS) - Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The Zone has four country representations in Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia and two Sub Zones covering the Indian Ocean Islands and East Africa countries.

The Eastern Africa Zone continues to experience major disasters which claim many lives, destroy property and erode the already weak livelihoods of the communities affected. Disasters experienced in the recent past include floods, heavy rains and land slides, cyclones, earthquakes and drought. Conflict and clashes are also common in the region. The disaster management (DM) programmes, in line with Global Agenda 1, will focus on the following outcomes to address some of these challenges: (a) the Zone and NS have structural and human capacities to respond effectively to disasters; (b) the resilience of individuals and communities to mitigate disaster risks is strengthened and their vulnerability reduced; (c) the response to disasters and/or emergencies is effective and timely and recovery is promoted through appropriate livelihood programmes and (d) coordination and networking between Zone and NS is strengthened for effective disaster response and preparedness.

An analysis of the respective Human Development Indicators for the 14 NS in the Zone reveals that the most urgent health needs in the region are HIV and AIDS, maternal and child health and reproductive health. Nine out of 14 countries cited HIV and AIDS as a major developmental challenge although the global HIV and AIDS infection rates are on the decrease. Access to safe water and sanitation remains critical. In line with Global Agenda 2, the health and care programme intends to tackle these challenges by working with NS with a specific focus on three outcomes namely: (a) vulnerability to HIV and AIDS and its impact is reduced through preventing further infection, expanding care, treatment and support, and reducing stigma and discrimination; (b) strengthened water and sanitation (WatSan) programming and emergency response capacities at NS level; and (c) strengthened community and emergency health programming at NS level.

In line with Global Agenda 3, the organizational development (OD) programme aims at increasing the capacity of local communities, civil society and the 14 Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies in the Zone to address the most urgent situations of vulnerability. This will be achieved through a number of interrelated activities geared at building the institutions of the 14 National Societies through a common approach. Support will be NS-specific and will aim at building the capacity of local communities for better service delivery and enhanced programming. OD will therefore focus on the following outcomes:- (a) improved NS leadership capacities to develop and implement strategies, and to ensure good performance and accountability; (b) a nation-wide coverage of grassroots units and services are developed; (c) improved financial sustainability; (d) NS are well functioning organizations with sustainable systems, procedures and staff with desired level of managerial and technical competencies; (e) enhanced Movement cooperation and Operational Alliances; and (f) capacity for programme development and management is developed at all levels.

Corresponding to Global Agenda 3 and Framework for Action areas of improvement 4 and 51, the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (PMER) unit will continue to promote a culture of continuous learning and enhancing capacity for programme development to improve quality, impact and accountability. To achieve this, PMER will focus on the following outcomes: (a) integrated PMER systems and structures in place within NS for more effective and efficient management of programmes; (b) skills and capacity of NS and Zone units enhanced to deliver quality programmes; (c) improved understanding of the key programming elements in the core Federation programmes by National Societies and Zone staff; and (d) increased compliance to donor reporting requirements among NS and the Federation Secretariat staff.

In Eastern Africa, the communication manager is also the focal person for Principle and Values. This arrangement corresponds to the structures of national societies in the Zone and is partly related to financial resources, partly to the interconnection between the two areas. During 2009-2010 the Zone will continue focussing on strengthening the capacities of NS communications departments through various means and profiling the Federation and its member societies in the region. The unit will focus on achieving these outcomes: (a) the Zone and NS have structural and human capacity to profile effectively, internally and externally, IFRC/NS operations and activities; (b) increased communications capacity of NS, (c) improved understanding of Red Cross and Red Crescent actions; and (d) the Zone and NS have sustainable resource mobilisation initiatives to deliver effective programmes and services. In parallel, the unit will engage the Zone network in a process aimed at exploring the humanitarian values domain and identify particular activities that national societies would prefer to develop.

Target Population

The Eastern Africa Zone will support all the 14 NS in the Zone. Beneficiaries of the programmes include the targeted vulnerable communities as well as National Societies. The primary beneficiaries of Zone support are National Society staff and volunteers, whereas tailor-made trainings will be given to specific National Societies, such as in Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) and community management training, other trainings such as blood donor, community-based first aid (CBFA) will target all the 14 National Society staff, with at least each contributing one staff and or volunteer. The direct beneficiaries of the DM programme are approximately 30 staff in the 14 NS. The OD programme will work with the 14 NS as well as with other departments in the Zone in defining an integrated and coordinated approach to National Societies organizational development and capacity building. The communications programme will target 14 NS in its communications capacity building plans, in addition to providing tailored support for the Principles and Values component of NS from Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Somalia and Sudan. PMER will target programme staff in the Zone/Sub Zone departments and the 14 NS. Special attention will be given to Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, Madagascar, Comoros, Burundi and Tanzania NS which have developed PMER action plans and established PMER departments and/or PMER focal persons.

The total 2009-2010 budget is CHF 8,325,783 (USD 7,610,405 or EUR 5,303,046).