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Burundi + 4 more

East Africa sub zone: Plan 2009-2010 (MAA64003)


Executive summary

The East Africa Sub Zone works with and coordinates programmes in five National Societies namely Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi Red Cross Societies. The five countries share a number of commonalities. They share borders and are all members of the East Africa Community, share a turbulent past characterized by internal conflicts, population movements, devastating droughts and floods as well as a myriad of health emergencies.

In light of the above, the sub region continues to experience similar humanitarian challenges; programmes in the National Societies will be designed to address the needs of the most vulnerable with the aim of alleviating suffering among all the targeted programme beneficiaries.

The disaster management programmes in the sub zone, in line with the Global Agenda 1, will focus on disaster preparedness to empower communities in disaster prone areas in risk identification through risk awareness creation, strengthening National Societies capacities in disaster preparedness and response through well equipped and skilled disaster response teams and preposition of stocks in disaster prone areas, improving the ability of vulnerable communities to predict and mitigate effects of disasters through effective and efficient response, developing and integrating appropriate food security interventions in disaster management programmes as well as environment management interventions for vulnerable communities.

The health and care programmes on the other hand will focus on building the capacities of vulnerable communities to respond to public health emergencies, contribute to reduction of the vulnerability and impact of HIV and AIDS, improving access to reproductive health care services, promoting voluntary blood donation and create awareness on immunization, increasing access to safe water and sanitation services in target communities, contribute towards reduction of malaria prevalence rates through community mobilization, sensitization and surveillance targeting children under five and pregnant women in intervention areas and first aid trainings to empower communities and individuals to respond adequately to emergencies through conventional first aid and community-based first aid (CBFA).

In line with the Global Agenda 3, organizational development programming in the sub zone will be geared towards increasing local community, volunteer and youth capacities to address the most urgent situations of vulnerability through deliberate effort to strengthen institutional structures and support systems at regional and branch levels, enhanced volunteer management to ensure sustainability and volunteer retention and strengthening governance and management leadership capacities at levels.

The principles and values programmes will seek to improve the understanding and application of the Movement's fundamental principles and values among the National Societies staff members and programme beneficiaries, ensure gender mainstreaming in all National Societies programmes, strengthen capacities of National Societies in communication, advocacy and resource mobilization.

Through the support of the Swedish Red Cross, the five East Africa Sub Zone countries are involved in a bilateral regional programme - The Lake Victoria Programme- and for which the Sub office is charged with the coordination role. The programme activities cut across the four global agenda goals. The National Societies are implementing through their branches around the Lake Victoria.

All programme implementation will be the responsibility of respective National Societies and the Sub Zone office will play a coordination and liaison role to ensure that the National Societies are optimally performing and hence accountable to the vulnerable persons they serve as well as to their implementing partners. Furthermore, the Sub office will consolidate and facilitate provision of the needed support to National Societies through close collaboration and liaising with technical departments at the Zone office.

The total 2009-2010 budget is CHF 170,000 (USD 155,393 or EUR 108,280)