This report covers the period of 01/01/2007 to 30/06/2007 for 2006-2007 Appeal.
In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.
In brief
Programme Summary: Health and care programme: In the first half of 2007, the region experienced cholera, meningitis and Rift Valley Fever epidemics in Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Technical support was given to National Societies to strengthen their emergency response capacity. The newly produced HIV prevention, treatment, care and support training package for community volunteers was translated into Kiswahili and is being edited before printing. The unit organized activities on Africa Malaria Day on 25 April that included a visit by zonal staff and Kenya Red Cross Society to an orphanage in Nairobi where 60 children were given treated mosquito nets. Unfortunately, inadequate funding in the first half of the year has greatly affected implementation of the planned activities for the period.
Disaster Management programme: Special attention was given to preparedness and risk reduction in terms of training, contingency planning, partnerships and forums for information sharing and early warning. Five National Societies - Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda Red Cross Societies - embarked on climate change projects coordinated and funded by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Change Centre at The Hague. The projects have provided a good opportunity to discuss the role of National Societies and the Federation regarding climate change hazards/disasters.
Food Security programme: A review mission was conducted to 6 African National Societies (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Rwanda and Zambia) in June and July to evaluate their food security programmes. As a follow up to this, a long term food security planning workshop is planned to be held in Uganda in early August. The food security unit has played a significant role in organizing the review and the workshop.
Humanitarian Values programme: Overall, the implementation of the communications/Humanitarian values programme during the reporting period has gone according to plan despite various restrictions resulting from low levels of funding and the delays associated with the global change process in the Federation.
Organizational Development programme: The organizational development (OD) programme has been revived and is working closely with other units, heads and representatives in the region. General assemblies were held in a number of National Societies - Mauritian, Sudanese, Tanzanian and Ugandan - and new board members elected. The new National Society leaders attended a leadership course organized by the Secretariat in Geneva last June, equipping them with more in-depth understanding of how the Movement functions, thereby empowering them to participate actively in National Societies' decision making processes.
Needs: Total 2006-2007 budget CHF 5,387,472 (USD 4,478,364 or EUR 3,277,051) out of which 69 percent covered. Outstanding needs are CHF 1,697,736 (USD 1,411,251 or EUR 1,032,686).
No. of people we help: Comprehensive and cumulative lists of beneficiaries of National Societies' programmes and operations are currently unavailable for a number of National Societies, or require further validation. In order to ensure a balanced presentation of information from all National Societies for the next reporting period, support will be enhanced in this area.
Our Partners: The zone worked closely with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as Partner National Societies during programme implementation across the region. Close partnerships were also fostered with United Nations agencies, development partners, and community-based, government and international humanitarian agencies.
For further information please contact:
In Kenya: Knut Kaspersen, Deputy Head of Eastern Africa Zone, Nairobi; email:; telephone +; fax +254.20271.27.77
In Kenya: Dr Asha Mohammed, Federation Head of Eastern Africa Zone, Nairobi; email:; telephone: +; fax +
In Geneva: Amna Al Ahmar, Federation Officer for Eastern Africa Zone, Geneva; email:; telephone +41.22.730.44.27; fax +41.22.733.03.95
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