Over the last few months, BNUB noted political tension in Burundi and a radicalization of positions that are likely to lead to an outright confrontation, as illustrated by recent events.
BNUB notes that the current tension occurs at a time when the country ought to be making important decisions to prepare effectively the 2015 elections which are crucial for the consolidation of democracy and peace in Burundi. The realization of these strategic objectives demands the restoration of political dialogue between all Burundian political actors.
In this regard, as underlined by the Security Council in its Resolution 2137 (2014), BNUB exhorts Burundian political actors to respect engagements made under the Roadmap which th! ey adopted in March 2013, including the renunciation of violence in favor of dialogue, to resolve their differences.
With this in mind, BNUB asks all Burundian political leaders and their supporters to show moderation and avoid expressing demands that could exacerbate tensions and violence. Furthermore, in exercising their sovereign and legitimate responsibility to maintain order and security, BNUB calls on the authorities to show the greatest restraint and to foster the free exercise of fundamental liberties.
More than ever, the time has come for the entire Burundian political class to engage in renewed, inclusive and constructive political dialogue, both within each political party as well as between the different parties, in a way that promotes national cohesion and a climate of confidence that is indispensable to the establishment of an environment propitious to investment and to business, to enable growth and inclusive socio-economic development.
BNUB has taken good note of the recent assurances given by the Government and remains confident of the capacity of Burundians to overco! me their current differences peacefully, and dedicate themselves to the creation of a nation free of the burden of the past to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for all its daughters and sons.
Bujumbura, 10 March 2014
Vladimir Monteiro Public Information Officer BNUB - Bureau des Nations Unies au Burundi/UN Office in Burundi
Mobile: +257 76115744 /71236118 Tel: +257 22205744 VSAT! : 191-5744 Via NY: +1 2129632842 / 9960 Via Italy: +39 0831062000 E-mail: monteiro6@un.org