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Burundi Remote Monitoring Report, April 2014


Near-normal Season B harvest is expected to alleviate acute food insecurity

Key Messages

As the 2014 Season B progresses, beans and other crops are almost flowering. Heavy rainfall and hail has been recently damaged small numbers of farms, especially in Bururi and Kayanza, though most zones are experiencing a slight rainfall deficit of about 10 percent.

Prices of the main staple commodities increased slightly between February and March. However, in Ngozi, a key market in the Plateaux Humides livelihood zone, sweet potato prices increased in March by 36 percent compared to last month, 49 percent compared to last year, and 45 percent compared to the five-year average, respectively.

From now through June, households in most livelihood zones will experience Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity, except the Plateaux Humides zone, which is currently in Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food insecurity until Season B harvests in June. For the period of July-September, the country will experience Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity, following the 2014 Season B harvests.